Imperfect Foods

 I was recommended by a friend to try out a new food service box called Imperfect foods. In the past I've done the HelloFresh meal services and I go back and forth with doing those boxes. The reason I do change it up is as much as I love the easy go to meals they do sometimes get repetitive with some of the meals and not all suite my taste buds. 

Imperfect foods is a little different, they offer farm fresh foods and also boxed and canned goods you can pick out weekly. For my area I shop on Mondays-Tuesdays and the box is delivered to my doorstep on Friday. You can choose items that are in your box ever week and items you would never like to see in your box that way on you item choosing day it will select items you would like incase you forget to choose, you can always edit your cart and switch it up during your shopping window! 

The items will tell you what the imperfection is, for example the item is carrots and could be a little deformed for store shelf or they might just have a surplus. Either way you save and get fresh foods delivered weekly!

They have meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, grains canned items herbs and snacks too!

Check them out and see if theyre a great fir for you!

Imperfect Foods Get $10 Off Your First Box!

(not sponsored nor affiliated just a great service!)

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